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Artikel: Neem een ​​ijsbad met ons mee

Take an ice bath with us

Neem een ​​ijsbad met ons mee

Jurre Van Der Linde

Meet the expert

Jurre is an experienced wellness coach, specialising in ice baths, guided breath work, and biohacking techniques. We asked him a few questions about his background, what he gets out of taking ice baths, and more about what he has created here at When Nature Calls.

Jurre's background

Can you tell us a little about your background? What led you to become an expert in ice baths and cold therapy?

"My journey with ice baths began during my time as a high-level judo competitor. We would start our mornings with an ice bath before training, and sometimes, after a long day, we'd use it to re-energize. I quickly noticed how this practice made my entire body feel awake and alert, and it always left me feeling energized. However, when I stopped practicing judo, I also took a break from the daily ice baths.

Later on, I started taking ice baths in nature. My dad, a close friend, and I would head to places like Oosterplas or Het Wed, even in winter (said like its no big deal). We incorporated breathing techniques during these sessions, and eventually, my best friend and I decided to take things a step further. We started a company to teach others how to manage and benefit from ice baths because we had gained so much from the practice ourselves. We completed the Wim Hof training, and I began offering workshops at gyms and football clubs, providing something unique for their players.

I also studied sports science at UVA, where I learned not only the technical aspects of cold exposure but also how to instruct and make people feel comfortable, especially when they’re nervous about trying something as intense as an ice bath".

How to begin?

For those new to the concept, what are the primary benefits of ice baths for you personally? How do they impact your body and mind?

"For me, ice baths bring a heightened state of alertness. It's important to acknowledge that, like many regular ice bath takers, it's not always something I look forward to, especially on a cold winter morning. But facing that challenge early in the day gives me a sense of accomplishment, which in turn provides a calmness and drive that carries me through the rest of the day".

Can you explain how ice baths can support overall wellness? Are there specific conditions or goals where they are particularly effective?

"Regular cold exposure can be a fantastic immune booster. When I learnt to control my breathing and overcome the body’s stress response, it can brought (and continues to bring) a profound sense of peace. I think this can be incredibly beneficial for people going through stressful periods, as it helps to maintain a more energized and balanced life. I’m particularly excited about the growing research on how ice baths can enhance athletic performance".

What are some practices that complement ice bathing, such as meditation or forest bathing?

"One of the most important practices for me is meditation, particularly focusing on breathing while in the ice bath. This not only enhances mental and physical well-being but also helps me develop discipline. I always say that it is crucial to set realistic goals—sticking to it once a week is a great start. Doing it daily might be unrealistic at the beginning, but having the discipline to keep up with it can lead to lasting benefits."

What sessions do you guide at When Nature Calls?

"Each session has a distinct goal. It was really important to me that we always include preparation, guidance while in the water, and after care- I am suprised that not many spaces take these aspects seriously".

First time ice bath session

"This session is ideal for first time ice bath users. It includes a warm up exercise, Wim Hof breathing tutorial once in the water, continuous instructions, positive reinforcement and repition. It finishes with a warm up exercise and instructions for after care"

Rebalance + Intention setting

"This session is all about finding inner balance. We set an intention together, and prepare the body for the cold shock. During the time in the water we use guided alternate nostril breathing. The session ends with a guided warm up exercise and tips for after care"

Focus and activation

"This session is all about aligning the mind and body, by using diaphragmatic breathing we are able to become more aware of our physical being and how it impacts our mind. The session concludes with a guided warm up exercise inspired by Wim Hof, we share tips for aftercare".

morning motivation

"Lets get you up and running! This session features the classic Wim Hof breathing technique, we guide you to warm up the body, and once in the water you will hear motivational prompts to make the most of the session. We end with a guided warm up exercise and tips for after care".

Problem Solving

"This session is for experienced ice bathers. We guide you through a short visualised meditation, aimed at clearing the mind of tension and frustration. Throughout the session we use the box breathing technique. We end the session with a guided warm up exercise and tips for aftercare".

Tell us more about your collaboration with When nature calls

What makes these ice bath sessions unique? Can you walk us through what someone can expect during one of these sessions?

"The concept here at When Nature Calls is truly unique. Having a private room where participants can choose to be guided makes the experience highly personal. We take baby steps towards introducing a new experience, ensuring that each session is tailored to individual needs. The variety of workshops offered is all focused on self-optimization, providing a holistic approach to personal growth".

"As a certified Wim Hof instructor, I co-created these ice bath guides to ensure they are both safe and comfortable. Each session includes specialized breathwork and mindset techniques. We start with preparation, then guide participants through their time in the ice bath, followed by a warm-up session after exiting the ice. We also emphasize how to maintain the benefits of the experience throughout daily life. The environment is designed to feel safe and supportive, giving you the space to grow as a person. Everything in the room is intentional, from the setup to the atmosphere".

Challenges and misconceptions

Personal insights and stories

Do you have any memorable stories or experiences from your work with ice baths that have left a lasting impression on you?

"One of the most memorable stories involves a client who was very anxious and stressed. She had also been bullied a lot throughout her life. When she first got into the ice bath, she immediately went into a stress reaction—her shoulders were tense, and she began to cry. I held her hands, and together we focused on our breathing. Slowly, she began to resist the stress and started to feel more comfortable. I later advised her to use this breathing technique in her daily life, and it helped her enormously".

How has regular cold exposure impacted your own life, both physically and mentally?

"These days, my schedule is very busy, and after a long day of work, before heading to another commitment, I often take an ice bath. I practice breathing, sometimes I just sit, visualize, and meditate. I find it incredibly recharging and energizing. For me, it’s essential to work hard, but I also recognize that to maintain that work ethic, you need balance and relaxation. By actively working on breathing techniques both in and out of the ice bath, I’ve been able to improve my sleep, relax more deeply, and achieve better balance in my life".

What do you enjoy most about guiding others through their first ice bath experience?

"I really enjoy helping people discover this balance for themselves. It’s a beautiful process to guide someone through their first ice bath and see them realize the potential for relaxation and equilibrium in their own lives. It’s incredibly rewarding to help people find that sense of calm and control, both in the ice bath and in their everyday experiences".

Final thoughts

If you could leave our readers with one piece of advice or a final thought about ice baths, what would it be?

"It's perfectly normal to feel uncomfortable and experience resistance to taking an ice bath, especially in the beginning. However, it’s crucial to push through this discomfort. I truly believe that overcoming this initial challenge prepares you for the more significant challenges and discomforts that life may bring. Learning to stay calm and build resilience through ice baths fosters a stronger connection between the mind and body. While it can be tough, the experience offers valuable life lessons and a profound sense of accomplishment".

"As for the future of ice baths, I believe it looks very promising. Their popularity is growing, and biohacking as a whole is becoming more mainstream. I hope that as this trend continues, the learning experience will evolve into evidence-based practice. I look forward to seeing more studies that can elevate the field of biohacking, grounding it in solid research".

Where can people learn more about your work and connect with you outside of our wellness center?

"You can find me on Instagram, and Linkedin. In the future I look forward to giving in person ice bath sessions at When Nature Calls".

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